Sunday, October 28, 2012

Well here I am, finally going to put my first post out there! yay! I'm excited... Here is my very first project.. an old buffet table that was my mother's.  This piece was very worn and tattered.  I guess I could have kept it looking a little shabby and worn.  You definitely could see what all it had been through OR it could be refreshed, revived and redone in a bold, fresh, trendy color.  Since I am a huge fan of color, I decided to paint it.... a bold TEAL! yes! it looks amazing.. it's not quite done, I have some tweaking to do but here is what it is transforming into... and all I did was paint it.. how easy is that? Hope you enjoy!


  1. It turned out great! I've just started joining parties myself. I'm a new follower ;)

    1. Thank you so much Jamie for following! This is a brand new baby for me so I need to put more time into nurturing it ;) .. keep checking back definitely, I'll be putting more pieces up soon! Thanks again so much!

  2. You chose the perfect color for this beautiful piece. Wonderful job!

    1. Thank you so much! Please keep checking back on some other pieces I'm repurposing. And I love your blog too! :)
